

I'm Sailing!

Living in Southern California, you tend to hear a lot of complaints about the lack of seasons. Summers here feel like spring and fall feels more like summer. We love to envy the rest of the county for having traditional seasons, but one beautiful day in January, with temps soaring into the 80's, I would not have traded places with any of my friends dressed in winter garb throughout the country, because it felt like July. Sailing anyone?

Kelly at sundowner

JD and Chase


Ian Ross Art Show at the Oceanside Museum

On January 12 the Oceanside Museum of Art's "Artist @Work” series featured our friend Ian Ross.   The series was set up to give insight into the artist's creative process. Ian did just that when he stepped aside from his live painting to share with us his evolution as an artists and where his inspiration comes form. Guests enjoyed sushi and a hosted beer and wine bar. We also had a chance to walk the museum to see the other installations. For more information on Ian and his artwork, click here.


Hello 2012

The 5th Annual Mammoth NYE trip started off a little different than years past. Since there was no snow in town, we had to come up with other ways to entertain ourselves. Kit and I only rode 3 out of the 6 days we were there, a record low for us this time of year. I was riding my new board with factory wax, and felt like I was ice-skating most of the time. What a deathtrap! We dealt with the painstaking lack of snow by hanging in the lodge a LOT more usual, having in-house dance parties, playing Things in a Box, and consuming the requisite Mammoth Mixes. Luke and Jeff cooked us another impressive New Year's Eve dinner. Once finished those omnipresent Mammoth Mixes started flowing again before heading to Mammoth's Eagle Lodge party. Happy New Years! Hoping 2012 ushers in every good thing  you want it to.

Kelly & Aussie Dane
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. In December. No snow. Anywhere.